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Frequently Asked Questions

The proposed zoning continues to evolve internally to the rezoning team, our last page update is from 1-29-2025.

  • Can you give me an overview of what is in the new zoning?
    Can you give me an overview of what is in the new zoning? Minimum lot size for apt building from 10k to 3k (-70%, ½ size of 2 fam in GR) (p10) 3k minimum for apartment buildings will lead to more luxury units as affordable requirements don’t begin until 10 units are built. No affordable trust has been added. Height limits raised to 4 to 6 feet from 3 on Salem and 2 ½ on side streets (p10) Apt buildings allowed on side streets (p10) Parking min reduced to .8 p/unit or .5 p/affordable unit (p9) Pot businesses allowed despite being restricted in pot zoning to C2 & Industrial (p6). Shelters, Dorms, Meth dispensaries, research labs, hotels, dog daycares allowed by right. (p3-7) When an apartment building abuts a single/2 family home, they only need a 5 foot buffer with an 8 foot fence as separation. (p13) Height limits can be waived to accommodate solar and heat pumps, etc. (p13)
  • What does it mean to “build by right”?
    What does it mean to “build by right”? By right means that a developer will only need to apply for a building permit to build something. The Medford Comprehensive Plan stated that they wanted to make “desirable uses” by right in order to speed up the permit processing time. This means there will be no community notification, no community input or attempts to mitigate a project’s impact on the neighborhood or community. The community will not find out about a project until they see it happening.
  • What will be allowed “by right” on Salem St if the new zoning passes?
    What will be allowed “by right” on Salem St if the new zoning passes? Dormitories - MX1 & MX2 (p3) Shelters1 - MR, MX1, MX2, C (p4) Exempt agriculture - MR, MX1, MX2, C (p4) Hotel - MR, MX1, MX2, C (p4) Methadone Dispensary2 - MX1, MX2, C (p5) Dog daycare - MX1, MX2, C (p6) Distillery/Winery - MX1, MX2, C (p8) Research and Testing Lab4 - MX1 & MX2 (p7) Multiple buildings per lot - MR, MX1, MX2 (p17) Mixed use buildings on Salem St. Apartment buildings on portions of side streets * non residential uses with 5k sq feet or less are exempt from parking minimums – no parking required 1. Shelters are considered “educational purposes” according to the AG 2. Meth dispensary is considered a “Medical office” as no specific ord. exists to limit. Operating hours for proposed recently were 5AM -2PM seven days per week. 3. There is no ordinance limiting number of dogs, ratio of employee to dogs or min space needed per animal or hours of operation. 4. There is no ordinance regulating labs or safety measures needed.
  • What uses will be allowed by special permit if the new zoning passes?
    What uses will be allowed by special permit if the new zoning passes? Boarding house - MX1 & MX2 (p3) “Other institution” - MR, MX1, MX2 (p4) Pot growing1 - MX1 & MX2 (p6) Pot manufacture/process1 - MX1 & MX2 (p6) Pot retail1 - MX1 & MX2 (p6) Pot lab1 - MX1 & MX2 (p6) * non residential uses with 5k sq feet or less are exempt from parking minimums – no parking required (Mystic Ave Corridor does not exempt parking) ​ 1. Ord. 854 Section 14-526 limits pot businesses to C2 and Industrial Zoning Districts. Zero lots in this new zoning are classified that way and zero lots don’t directly abut a residential use.​
  • What section was selected as the “neighborhood node” and what does that mean?
    What section was selected as the “neighborhood node” and what does that mean? The intersection of Salem St and Park St was selected. This means the area was selected for more intense development. The area will allow for 6+ story mixed use and or apartment buildings on any lot of 3k sq ft or larger.
  • What is a “neighborhood node” or a “village center”?
    What is a “neighborhood node” or a “village center”? A “neighborhood node” or “village center” is an area that was chosen for more intense zoning. No parameters for how this decision was made were published. No studies informed the selection of the “neighborhood node” on Salem St.
  • What does 6 stories look like?
    What does 6 stories look like? The building at Stations Landing that holds the Regina Pizzeria is 6+ stories high. (+ indicates that mechanicals, solar and ornaments are excluded from the maximum height).
  • The lot next to me is marked for up-zoning. What kind of protection/buffer will I get if a new building goes in?
    The lot next to me is marked for up-zoning. What kind of protection/buffer will I get if a new building goes in? The required buffer is 5 feet of their property and then an 8 foot fence. They could also provide a 10 foot buffer. This is only required if the next parcel is a residence with fewer than 5 units.
  • Can apartment buildings be built on side streets under this new zoning?
    Can apartment buildings be built on side streets under this new zoning? Yes. A varying amount of lots per side street will allow for buildings. Please refer to the Salem St Corridor Map to see how this zoning affects you and your neighbors. Red blocks are allowed to build 6+ stories by right. Blue blocks are allowed to build 4+ stories by right. Yellow blocks allow 3+ story buildings with 3-6 units. (+ indicates that mechanicals, solar and ornaments are excluded from the maximum height).
  • Does the zoning saying mixed use mean that all buildings will have ground floor businesses?
    Does the zoning saying mixed use mean that all buildings will have ground floor businesses? No. The zoning allows for apartment buildings by right, so there is no requirement to build any ground floor businesses.
  • Will the ground floor businesses in mixed use buildings have parking?
    Will the ground floor businesses in mixed use buildings have parking? The zoning does not require any parking spaces for any business that is under 5k sq ft.
  • How much parking will these new projects be required to build?
    How much parking will these new projects be required to build? Any retail under 5k sq ft will be required to build ZERO parking spaces. As an incentive to build, this zoning allows a developer to build .8 parking spaces per unit and .5 for any affordable units.​ ​
  • How will all of these potential new buildings do about trash?
    How will all of these potential new buildings do about trash? These buildings will have dumpsters.
  • The zoning doesn’t mention shelters. So why does it say shelters will be allowed by right?
    The zoning doesn’t mention shelters. So why does it say shelters will be allowed by right? The Attorney General has sent a letter to our Community Development Board that is reviewing the St. Clare shelter application right now that says that her interpretation of the Dover Amendment which is supposed to allow nonprofits focused on “educational purposes” to not have to adhere to zoning to include shelters. As the new zoning allowed nonprofits with “educational purposes” by right, therefore shelters are allowed by right. If they follow the height and dimensional rules of the zoning, there will be no site plan review and they will just be issued a building permit to build/open without any community notification.
  • The zoning doesn’t mention methadone dispensaries. So why does it say that methadone dispensaries will be allowed by right?
    The zoning doesn’t mention methadone dispensaries. So why does it say that methadone dispensaries will be allowed by right? In 2024, a methadone dispensary application was made for a spot on Salem St. The use that the Planning department told them to put on their application was “medical office.” Medical office is one of the uses that the new zoning would allow by right. This means that as long as the methadone dispensary follows the rules of the new zoning and doesn’t need a variance, there will be no site plan review and they will just be issued a building permit/open without community notification.
  • What is the issue with dog daycares?
    What is the issue with dog daycares? Medford has no ordinance to regulate dog daycares. No maximum number of dogs, no minimum amount of space per animal or ratio of staff. By allowing them by right, they can land on any parcel that is rezoned and the neighbors would not be able to ask questions and ensure that their peaceful enjoyment of their homes remains intact. An ordinance must be written and guidelines created. There should always be a site plan review to ensure the placement is not detrimental to the neighborhood.
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